Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Alyssa is Pinterested

Alyssa is Pinterested

We've added a new section to Tuesday Talk (our member e-newsletter) highlighting news, resources, and items of interest in the nonprofit sector. This section is curated by Alyssa and optional to read but we hope you'll find a few things that make you think, make you laugh, and make you look forward to (and always open and read) Tuesday Talk! If you come across articles you'd like to share, send them to media@cshares.org.

Social Media - Pinterest and Tumblr Review
I am always curious about social media and try to think creatively about the tools Community Shares can use to connect with our friends and allies. Those of you who have been to our training, "Social Media in 10 Minutes a Day", know we useFacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and YouTube at Community Shares of Colorado. Generally, I recommend you concentrate on doing one thing well - Facebook - rather than become overwhelmed with a handful of social media tools. However, people often ask me about whether they should take the time to learn about and use other tools so here is my quick take on Pinterest and Tumblr.

I have a personal Pinterest account I use, well, next to never.  Pinterest is an online scrapbook of your favorite images from the web. It works great for people who work in industries with a strong visual component - fashion, cooking, architecture, design, DIY, etc.  For those of us who don't make things look good for a living, Pinterest may seem superfluous. (Much like the word, "superfluous".) If your nonprofit addresses issues that are often highlighted with strong images, you can create a compelling presence on Pinterest.  (Arts, Environment, Animal Welfare, etc.)  Here are some examples of nonprofits using Pinterest to educate followers and drive people back to their site:

I had a hard time thinking of something to write besides, "Don't use Tumbler." Let's put it this way, I have 678 very, very, very close friends on Facebook - many of whom work in nonprofit organizations - and two of them have Tumblr accounts. If you have a super blogger on staff who can churn out content, here is an article from The Nonprofit Times with some information about using the site to connect with donors:

Help us focus our social media outreach by completing a poll designed to find out where friends of Community Shares spend their time online.  We'll share our results in the next Tuesday Talk.